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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Learning More about Me

Since many of you know from my previous posts that I am imperfect, I do not feel the need to hide behind my inadequacies.  So along that train of thought I would like to share with you a short list of things I really want to try or learn, but don't have the courage yet.
  1. Artichokes.  I want to cook them.  Every time I am in Target I look at them and wonder if I could really cook an artichoke.   They are so cute and inexpensive at certain times in the year, like now!  I want to broaden my food horizons.
  2. Driving a car manually.  I think it is very cool and certainly cost effective, to drive a car manually.  I have always been fascinated by the concept, but have never learned how to actually do it.  Now I do admit that I would rather not drive one during rush hour traffic, but I would love to have the ability to drive one just in case.  You never know when you will be faced with a situation that requires that special skill.
  3. Scuba Diving.  I am truly terrified yet intrigued by the idea of scuba diving.  I would love to go deep in the water and discover what is really down there, but the idea of being surrounded by all of that water really concerns me.  I have snorkeled before, but this is truly on another level all together.
  4. Cooking on an outdoor grill.  Now I know this must seem strange, especially if you know that I have a propane grill right in my backyard, but the truth of the matter is I have never even started the thing.  My husband is in charge of the grill, but I so want to learn.  My biggest fear is overcooking the chicken.  I just know I will ruin the chicken.  However, I think this summer I just may get up the nerve to try.  (Of course I will Google the best methods first.)
  5. Going on a trip in an RV.  This is something I have never done, but the appeal of living in the vehicle you are driving is very interesting.  These days the RVs are so luxurious and may provide better living quarters than some hotels.  My husband is really interested in this as well.  You never know what this summer may bring.
  6. Learn to play chess.  As a self-proclaimed "thinker" I would love to learn the thinking man's game.  I have convinced my boss to teach me all he knows.  The next step is to get started.  I am happy to say I know a lot about the pieces and how they are allowed to move, but the rest is Greek.  I am hoping to add chess to my repertoire this year.
  7. Make my Grandma's chili.  I am sad to say that I have not been successful in finding the recipe to my Grandma's world famous chili.  This was my favorite meal as a child, and I regret not asking for the family secret the last time she was in Houston.  (However, I did get the red potatoes recipe.)  I looked all over the house when we were home for Christmas, but no luck.  If any family member knows the secret recipe, please pass it on.
  8. Have a signature macaroni and cheese.  I really want to be that family member that they always ask to bring macaroni and cheese.  It is my favorite holiday dish....right family.  I just want to make one that is a-la-Laura.  I have the pasta part and my secret ingredient worked out, but I am still struggling to make the cheese sauce memorable.  I will keep working at it and let you know when you should request a sample.
  9. Go to Disney World.  I know that sounds very cliché, but it is true.  I want to go, and now I want to take my daughter.  She is a little small now, but I am hopeful that soon we share that experience together.
  10. Doing my own taxes.  I just don't have the energy to learn another thing right now, and taxes appear to be very complicated.  Taxes seem like something I should be able to do, but I am intimidated by the whole process.  Maybe there are just too many words on a form and way too many forms for my taste.  Maybe it's the fact that if you are wrong they will hunt you down until they get their money.  Seems so ominous.  I know if I really put my mind to it I could be successful, but again my brain is currently full.  Therefore, this year I will be getting a package together to send over to our CPA.  Maybe I will be ready in a few years.
Can you help me with any of the items on my list?  What do you want to do, but just haven't tried yet?

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