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Friday, February 19, 2010

The “My Life” Book Club - MLBC

As my love of reading has increased, so has my desire to talk to others about what I am reading. I was chatting online with my sister-in-law, who has been very supportive of my blogging adventure, and we thought about the idea of having an online book club. Today's post is about sculpting the book club to be what we want and need it to be. So I need your ideas.

I was thinking we could select a book and allow ourselves two weeks to read it. (I realize that life happens, and not many of us have the time to read a book in a few sittings. Also, two weeks is the length of time you can have a book checked out from the library.) I will then post a question or two to begin our discussion about the book after the two week period, and all you have to do is post a comment on my blog to enter your thought into the discussion. There could also be a teaser question after the first week just to see if you have been reading. I can also include prizes…I love games…and I love prizes!

What ideas do you have for the MLBC? Would you like to be a member? Reading is fun, but it can be more fun if you do it with friends.

Leave a comment. Would you be interested in the MLBC? Do you have any book suggestions? How can I fashion the club and questions to entice you to read with us?

1 comment:

Krissna Jones said...


Consider me your first member! I love reading. I have been reading at least two books a week. The MLBC is going to be great. I found a website with some good tips for an online book club (

What about a monthly author and then we choose one of their books to read? Also, series books are good discussion books.

I am going to recommend a few that are on my list right now.

Beverly Jenkins (Bring On The Blessings & A Second Helping)

Nicholas Sparks books are good (The Notebook & The Wedding). I am planning to read Dear John soon.

I can’t wait and I will spread the word.

Love you!