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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Whole Grain Movement

Yesterday I had an epiphany regarding food – I want to eat healthier. We are eating much better these days since I have started cooking a lot more, but I am often curious about what is next. What can I do to make our meals healthier? I began reading healthy cookbooks after our trip to the library last week, and I noticed a few things about all of the recipes.

  1. Whole wheat (breads and pastas)
  2. Whole grain/multi grain
  3. Wheat germ
  4. Brown rice
  5. Vegetables
  6. Fruit

After reading the recipes and looking at our pantry, I realized that wheat and whole grains are lacking in our household. I think the primary color of our starches is WHITE. (White bread, white rice, white potatoes, white pasta) What would happen if I made changes to the type of pastas, rice and breads we buy? In the recent past I have made changes to the way we cook instituting a no frying rule (unbeknown to my hubby), and an eat out less rule. We have seen success in my opinion. Therefore, I have set out to change our lifestyle again by revamping our pantry. Now a special note is required here because if you read my post on Saturday you know I am a couponaholic, and with all couponaholics comes STOCKPILING. The art of stockpiling involves buying things when they are super cheap or free, and buying a lot of the item. I have done this with toothpaste, soap, dishwasher tablets, and food. Our pasta and rice supply is abundant, and I will therefore have to slowly build our pantry.

My goals to institute the Whole Grain Movement are:

  1. Only buy whole grain wheat bread
  2. Add more fresh fruit
  3. Add brown rice to our pantry
  4. Add whole grain pasta to our pantry
  5. Limit the "artificial"
  6. Add sweet potatoes (not just at Thanksgiving)
  7. Discover wheat germ

My biggest fear is that our taste buds will notice the change in ingredients. So I need your help.

Leave a comment. Let me know how what changes you have made, or intend to make, to join the Whole Grain Movement. Most importantly, share your favorite recipe with whole grain ingredients. I will try them all and write a post about it. Also, what is wheat germ?

Happy Monday!

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