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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – A Bible Lesson

I know the title of this post in and of itself may be a little…confusing, but I am going to give this to you as God gave it to me this morning.

Being that I have a three year old daughter I am blessed to watch quite a bit of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel. Overall the show is pretty predictable, so I was surprised when the Lord visited me during the episode this morning. I was arrested while viewing Mickey Mouse and the gang, and I was taught a lesson about how God works in the process.

For those of you who have been blessed to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as well, you may be familiar with the following characters - MouseKadoer, MouseKatools, and Toodles. These elements appear in every episode of the show, and their primary role is to provide the items the characters need in order to complete the task of that episode. The MouseKadoer is the big machine that loads the MouseKatools into Toodles. A better way to look at it is the MouseKadoer is the hardware store and Toodles is the tool box and the MouseKatools are the tools in the toolbox. (Sorry for being so simple.) While looking at the show this morning something hit me…this entire setup is very similar to how God works in our lives. Follow me now.

When the episode starts the characters are presented with a problem, and they turn to the MouseKadoer (hardware store) as ask for MouseKatools. Then in flies Toodles (the tool box) to receive the tools from the MouseKadoer. At this point in the show the characters are unaware of how the tools will be used. All they know is that the tools are available. Mickey then informs the audience that if you encounter a problem and find yourself in need of a tool, all you have to say is Oh Toodles, and he flies right in with all of your potential tools. Oh Toodles only carries four tools. The thing that struck me about the MouseKadoer is that it appears unaware of the challenges the characters will face, yet it is fully able to fill Toodles with the correct MouseKatools. I have never seen an episode where Mickey and the gang call on Toodles and he has the wrong tools. Hmmm. Is the MouseKadoer psychic or something? How does it know what tools to pack in Toodles?

The second thing I notice is Toodles is always available. No matter where Mickey and the gang are, Toodles is always one shout away. The characters yell Oh Toodles, and it appears. They never appear nervous about whether or not Toodles will show up no matter where they are. Toodles has shown up when they were in the desert, the beach, and even in outer space. Toodles never lets them down, and they never hesitate to call on him.

Finally, I noticed that Toodles is called on whenever they have a situation, but he is not necessarily there immediately. Now if you have seen an episode you may beg to differ, but I question why Toodles comes in on a wave, or a pair of skies over the mountain top, or from under water. Toodles could just pop onto the screen and that would be that, but my question is why does it take so long.

Here is what I have surmised about the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and how it became a Bible Lesson this morning:
  1. The MouseKadoer acts the way God would in our situation.
  2. The MouseKatools are chosen for us in each task of life.
  3. Toodles sure acts like the Holy Spirit, and is always dependable.
The fact that the MouseKadoer already has the knowledge of the tools Mickey will need to meet the challenge of the day reminds me of how God has the ability to equip me with the tools necessary to meet any challenge in my day. Nothing is too great for God. The fact that the MouseKatools are chosen for the characters before the challenge is met reminds me that God can tell me what equipment to use when I meet that challenge. I don't need to do this on my own, and He will not put more on me than I can bear. The fact that Toodles is always there for Mickey when he needs him reminds me that God sent the Holy Spirit to us as a guide. The Holy Spirit is just as accessible to the Christian as Toodles is to Mickey Mouse. All we have to do is call on Him.

We have to remember that God has equip us with all we need to get through life, however we often meet challenges and attempt to use the tools without reading the instructions, or just by picking a tool out of the box that "looks right" for the situation. We should consult God at every turn. We should ask Him which of our tools we should use. We should never doubt that He will answer.

The thing that struck me most was figuring out why Toodles sometimes appears to take the scenic route. This action reminds me that I must be patient and wait on the Lord. I first have to have enough faith to call on Him and believe that He will answer, but if the answer isn't immediate, then I must not lose faith. I have to wait for my answer. God is not on our time. I struggle with this, and most in our generation do simply because we have been taught to "get it now" and ask questions later. This is not how God would have it. Ask Him first, and wait on the answer. You will be glad you did.

God can meet you anywhere. Even in your living room while watching Mickey Mouse.

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Great Illustration.

Unknown said...

Today I came upon the same revelation you had here. 6 years later. But it prompted me to type it into google and your post popped up. Thank you for writing about it. I agree 100%. The Lord is amazing.